Attending an Event? Create Your Business Card With Cardddle

business card

Ready to make an incredible impression at your next conference?

      Try Cardddle now & avail more networking opportunities! 

Attending industry conferences and events provides a great chance to connect with others, build relationships, and highlight your professional identity. In a crowd of people exchanging business cards, it’s essential to make yours memorable and create a lasting impact.

With the help of Cardddle, a cutting-edge digital business card platform, you can elevate your networking game and ensure your business card is conference-ready. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Cardddle can enhance your event experience and help you make the most of every interaction.

Attending an event? How to Use Cardddle to Prepare Business Card?

Excited to prepare your digital business card conference ready with Cardddle? Let’s jump into….!!!

  • Design a Striking Digital Business Card

The first step to conference readiness is creating an eye-catching digital business card. With Cardddle’s intuitive design tools, you can customize your card to reflect your brand identity and personal style. 

  • Include Essential Contact Information

A conference-ready business card should comprise all the required contact details. Do not forget to add all the necessary information. Cardddle allows you to add social media profiles, enabling seamless connections across various platforms.

  • Showcase Your Expertise With Multimedia

Take advantage of Cardddle’s multimedia features to showcase your expertise and leave a lasting impression. Incorporate images, videos, or presentations that highlight your portfolio, projects, or achievements. By adding engaging multimedia content, you can capture the attention of potential collaborators, clients, or employers.

  • Utilize Cardddle’s QR Code Feature

Cardddle’s QR code feature takes your business card to the next level by convenience and connectivity. Generate a unique QR code for your business card and also display it prominently on your website, or marketing materials. Attendees can quickly scan the code with their smartphones, effortlessly accessing your digital business card and instantly connecting with you.

  • Simplify Information Exchange

Gone are the days of fumbling with stacks of physical business cards. With Cardddle, you can seamlessly exchange your digital business card with fellow attendees. Use Cardddle’s sharing options to send your card via email, messaging apps, or social media. This digital approach streamlines the information exchange process, allowing you to focus on building meaningful connections.

  • Stay Organized with Contact Management

With Cardddle’s contact management feature, you can stay organized and keep track of your new connections. Easily store and categorize contacts within the Cardddle app, making it effortless to follow up and nurture relationships after the event. Say goodbye to lost or misplaced business cards and hello to a streamlined networking experience!

  • Capture Analytics for Insightful Follow-Ups

Cardddle provides analytics that offer valuable insights into your business card’s performance. Gain a deeper understanding of how your card is being received, which platforms are generating the most interactions, and which contacts are engaging with your information. Leverage this data to tailor your follow-up strategies and maximize the potential of your new connections.

What Do I Do After a Conference?

After attending a conference, your work is not done yet! It’s essential to follow up and capitalize on the connections and knowledge gained during the event. Here are some important steps to take after a conference:

  • Review and Organize

Find some time to review your notes, business cards, and any materials you have collected during the conference. This step is one of the most crucial as otherwise everything else will be in vain. Categorize contacts, prioritize leads, and highlight key insights and action items.

  • Follow Up with New Connections

Reach out to the individuals you met at the conference. Send personalized follow-up emails or messages to express your appreciation for meeting them and to continue the conversation. Referencing specific discussions or topics from the event can help jog their memory and strengthen the connection.

  • Connect on Social Media

Extend your networking efforts by connecting with your new contacts on professional social media platforms like LinkedIn. Personalize your connection requests by reminding them of your meeting at the conference. Engage with their content, join relevant groups, and continue building the relationship online.

  • Share Insights and Content

If you gained valuable insights or discovered interesting content during the conference, share it with your network. Write a blog post, create social media updates, or contribute to industry forums to share your knowledge. Tag and mention speakers, presenters, or fellow attendees to foster engagement and further establish your expertise.

  • Implement Key Learnings

Identify key takeaways from the conference and consider how you can apply them to your work or business. Implement new strategies, adopt best practices, or experiment with innovative ideas you learned. Taking action promptly demonstrates your commitment to growth and positions you as a thought leader within your industry.

  • Evaluate Your Experience

Reflect on your conference experience and assess its impact on your goals and objectives. Evaluate the quality of sessions, networking opportunities, and overall value. Consider providing feedback to the event organizers to help improve future conferences. This assessment will guide your decision-making when choosing which conferences to attend in the future.

  • Plan for Follow-Up Activities

Create a plan for follow-up activities based on your interactions and objectives. Schedule calls, meetings, or further discussions with key contacts. Set deadlines for specific action items or proposals. Stay organized and proactive in nurturing the relationships you established during the conference.

  • Maintain Long-Term Relationships

Building lasting relationships requires consistent effort. Stay in touch with your new connections beyond the initial follow-up. Engage with their content, attend webinars or workshops they organize, and seek opportunities for collaboration or partnership. Maintain a genuine interest in their work and support their professional endeavors.

  • Apply for Speaking or Presenting Opportunities

If you gained valuable knowledge or insights from attending the conference, consider applying for speaking or presenting opportunities at future events. Sharing your expertise with a wider audience can establish you as an authority in your field and open doors for further networking and business opportunities. In today’s world this has more to do with personal branding, This is by far one of the effective ways to look for.


Attending conferences and events is an opportunity you cannot miss, to expand your professional network and create meaningful connections. With Cardddle, you can make your business card conference-ready and stand out from the crowd. Utilize the platform’s customization options, multimedia features, QR code technology, and contact management tools to enhance your networking experience. 

Embrace the convenience, connectivity, and professionalism of a digital business card with Cardddle. Get ready to make a lasting impression at your next event and unlock countless networking opportunities!

Frequently Asked Questions


Cardddle provides customizable options that facilitate you to design a captivating business card that highlights your true identity. It even allows adding multimedia like images and videos that can create a lasting impression and show your expertise.


The QR code feature in Cardddle allows you to generate a unique QR code for your business card which can showcase on your website or social media platforms. As a result, individuals can easily scan the QR code, access your digital business card and can connect with you easily. 

Using a top-notch platform like Cardddle, one can share virtual business cards flawlessly. It provides easy sharing options via email, social media platforms and messaging platforms. Hence, it eliminates the need for sharing e-business cards physically and exchanging information.

The contact management feature offered by Cardddle facilitates to easily store and manage contacts within the app. Using these features, one can stay organized and even establish relations after the event, thus reducing the chances of virtual business cards being misplaced.

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